Too Cool for School


Pom - Tastic!

I'm blogging about three times as much as a normal blogger. I bet I blog more than Madison, my 13-year-old niece. But I had to ask this: has anyone ever had pomengranate juice? It's supposed to be chock full of antioxidants, according to my mother. I got some yesterday. Folks, it does NOT taste like a pomengranate. It tastes more like...well, let's put it this way. My theory is that the folks at Ocean Spray were having a hard time marketing their new Cran-Prune juice. So, they decided to add a little bit of pomengranate juice in it (as the last ingredient), slap a label on it that says, "Pom-Wonderful" and sell it for $4 a bottle. We're talking about a sixteen-ounce bottle here. How will I know if this stuff is working? Nevermind, I shouldn't ask that. It has prune juice in it.

You should've seen that one coming.

I'm gonna go to tap class now and act like none of this ever happened.

3 comment(s):

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By Blogger Heather, at 7:04 PM  

I did not drink prune juice!

Where do you live these days?

By Blogger Heather, at 7:05 PM  

I was wondering how that stuff tasted. You could always eat a pomengranate, but that takes soooo long. Thanks for the heads up :). See you tomorrow, I am super excited that you are coming!

By Blogger Elasha, at 10:09 AM  

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