Marcus the Robot
God has blessed us. We got rain, and lots of it in a 48-hour span. The temperatures have dropped, and with it the gas prices. At least, the gas prices on our side of town. On my way to work each morning, I pass about four gas stations that have reasonable prices Anyway, I have named this corner of city "Little Burleson", because the gas prices are so low. Burleson has the cheapest gas around, usually a good 15 - 20 cents below what it is everywhere else in the metroplex. If gas is so cheap in Dallas, I bet it's really cheap in Burleson. Ok, enough about gas.
For the theatre classes have been working on their talk shows. The talk shows are designed so that students get a taste of acting without having to memorize a script, and we all get to know a lot of random facts about each other. . Yesterday, a kid named *Marcus brought a robot costume for his talk show. The costume was pretty genius, actually, a couple of boxes, some piping, antennae, the works. Once Marcus had wiggled into his costume, however, it became apparent that he had last worn this costume in 2nd grade. Marcus finally waddled onto the stage and tried to read his script as the talk-show host, but could not see because his head was too big. He refused help, so I got to watch the kid host a talk show with one lens of his glasses hanging out the mouth hole, and the other shoved into the back of the robot head. Classic. I sent a total of seven kids to afgter school dentention this week (It's Wednesday now), and one to the principal's office. Here are their offenses:
Kid #1: Talking uncontrollably
Kid #2: Talking uncontrollably and made comment that he wanted to "Go for the boobies" in a theatre game where he was wearing a blindfold.
Kid #3: Dropped the "F" bomb in casual conversation.
Kid#4: Talking uncontrollably, didn't do classwork, ignored warnings.
Kid #5: Harasssing Kid #4.
Kid #6: Yelled "S*&%" in front of the whole class at 7:30 am after being poked in the stomach.
Kid #7: Reading a hotrod magazine in class and, when asked to stop, told me he could do whatever he felt like doing, gosh. He was sent to the office for flipping me off after I gave him detention.
But for every detention I give out, there are ten kids that deserve to get let out of school early because they're behaving great. Like Marcus, and his too-small robot costume.
How Lucky am I?
*As always, names have been changed to protect the innocent.
3 comment(s):
good job gotta let those kids know that even though you are small, you mean business!...I have an old indian costume that i wore in elementary school for halloween...i tried to wear it lately, but to no success....i feel for "marcus"...sometimes you just gotta let it go.
Brown Sugar, at
4:05 PM
that is hillarious. i don't envy you, but i know you are doing a great job. have fun. keep providing me with the entertainment!! ;)
Elasha, at
7:01 AM
Sounds like you have some crazy times in school down in Little Burleson! By the way, I'm just up 35 from you now, in South Ft. Worth (out by Benbrook). One of these days, you are going to have to meet my fiancee, Courtney! Anywho, give me a shout sometime!
wildlawman, at
8:37 PM
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