Too Cool for School


Spring Break Discoveries

Life never ceases to amaze me. Here are my newest discoveries about my friends, family, self...

-My mom cares deeply for Phalange, her beta fish. She has me fish-sitting all week while she and Dad are in New York at Kevin’s basketball tournament.

-Adam Brown makes blogging promises and then doesn’t follow through.

-Just because a parade is held in a large metropolitan area, that doesn’t mean it can’t have random people riding on flatbed trailers entered as “floats” just like they do in small towns.

-St. Patrick’s day is just an excuse for people to get drunk at ten o’clock in the morning.

-Thrift stores will sell anything that is donated, evidenced by the fact that I found a sealed jar at one thrift store that apparently contained three small tumors and an appendix preserved in formaldehyde.

-I’m a much nicer person when I haven’t been at school all day.

-Shopping online is not fun. You cannot touch or smell what you’re about to buy.

-The Fray is a really cool band. Thanks to Elasha for introducing me to them.

-Lauren is now very decisive at the video store. Way to go, Lauren!

-My Mom buys candy, puts it in a jar on the coffee table, and then tells us that only the grandkids are allowed to eat it.

-About 50% of the time, my Dad is only pretending not to hear what my Mom is telling him to do. He told us, “I thank God for being hard of hearing!”

-For the first time in a very long time, Texas A&M’s basketball team is actually good.

- Too much sleep has the same effect as not enough!

-Kim Perkins runs a 10-minute mile.

-I am always patient in Dallas traffic jams but impatient behind one slow-moving vehicle in Burleson.

-My apartment stove has this annoying oven timer on it and I bumped it by accident cooking dinner. The only way to get it to stop is to reset it and let it go off again fifteen minutes later!

2 comment(s):

Woo hoo, go Lauren! :-)

By Blogger Allison, at 8:30 AM crack me up, Heather.

Happy Spring Break, by the way!

By Blogger Malaysian Debster, at 2:46 PM  

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