Too Cool for School


A story Renee can't wait to tell!

I don't have anything funny. No--really. Ahhh wait. I DO have something funny. Renee and Jen spent the weekend with me, right? They are so nice, they came to see my show and spent a couple of days at my apartment and kept me company (which makes them high on my list of great friends). Anyway, we all slept in the same room because really, we may be 24 but slumber parties are still fun. And in the middle of the night, I supposedly screamed out something about school, waking up Renee. Apparently I was making some sort of strange sucking noise with the roof of my mouth. I just wanted to tell you all before Renee did, so I could beat her to the punch. She'll be telling you the story about how I made that sucking noise, and you can say,
"Renee, I already read that story on Heather's Blog."
Renee's gonna kill me. I know that, yet I have no fear.
I wrote two kids up last week at school and they put in their journals, in great big letters, TREAT PEOPLE WITH EQUALITY AND DON'T SHOW FAVORITISM! Because apparently punishing the students who misbehave and not the whole class is considered favoritism. Whatever. They still had to write those journals. What they say in them only makes me laugh a little bit.
The show this weekend was a great success. That's really all I want to say about that. It was such a struggle all around, and the stress of it was killer. I don't remember a time when I was more ready to get a show over and done with. It's like I have two jobs: Theatre teacher and regular, rule-abiding, copy-machine fixing, attendance taking teacher. One of those jobs gets neglected in times like these and, it isn't theatre.
In other news, my 18-year-old nephew Cole has a GIRLFRIEND. I don't know if I like her. I haven't met her yet. The odds really aren't in her favor as far as our family's concerned. I can just hear my sister saying, "She doesn't play any sports!"
Well, that's all I can think of to say right now. (Lucky for you!)
I love you all very much, and I think about you often.
Keep my family in your prayers.

4 comment(s):

Haha...that is so funny. You girls must have had a blast together this past weekend. Hope your play went well, and it's over, so you can stress a little lesser, right? =) We love ya Heather!!

By Blogger Malaysian Debster, at 11:05 PM  

oh no....i've slept in a room with a was disturbing..i didn't understand....but talking in your sleep is more disturbing so hopefully you dont' do that too......but then, what do i care...i guess...anyway, you need to stop disciplining the troublemakers and start worrying more about the good students you unfair your play went well...i know your hard work paid off....hopefully it doens't have to be that hard all the's your first time, i'm sure it'll get easier....or maybe you'll learn what is worth stressing and not stressing about....i need to learn that too cause my job is going to make me lose my hair..and it's awefully thin in the first place so it could come out easily..anyway, off to my 11:30pm nap time. good night.

By Blogger Brown Sugar, at 11:36 PM  

If I stop disciplining the bad students, then they'll don't wanna know. Kids these days. But you're right, maybe I should concentrate on the good kids. There are plenty of them and they don't get much applause on my blog.
And as for you, Renee...I shouldn't have brought it up. But now that I did, yes, I am a cover hog. It's all those years of not sharing.

Debbie, next time we have a slumber party I'm inviting you too. That is, if you don't mind the strange noises!

By Blogger Heather, at 4:18 PM  

go to this website:

It has a picture of what you were talking about, and was on Debbie's blog.

By Blogger Heather, at 4:24 PM  

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